
In January there is nothing a food loving person could want more than a ripe tomato from the heart of summers harvest. People spend  harvest months canning and canning and canning tomatoes for the cold months to come.  We spend this time making tomato ice cream. Now we know there are a lot of people out there thinking, “tomato ice cream? Come on, that’s just wrong”. Let us tell you folks, it’s like the strawberry ice cream you never had.




We start with Roma tomatoes from the our favorite local summer produce spot – the Midtown Farmers Market. Romas are the tomato of choice for ice cream as they help maximize the amount of usable tomato meat. That’s right, meat. We have tried using Heirloom tomatoes, and the results are hard to distinguish.







Making tomato concassé. We start by dropping tomatoes into boiling water…









Then into an ice bath. Peel and remove seeds and core. Throw into a food processor









Tomato puree. We drain as much tomato water as we can from this puree and the two results are…








Fresh tomato paste(left) and tomato water(right). This tomato water is golden for many other kitchen uses, but for the purpose of this blog, it’s all about the fresh tomato paste here. It goes into our ice cream base and…








It’s delicioso! FrozBroz Tomato Ice Cream!





As usual, you can win one of two available pints this week — leave a comment on our facebook page at to be entered into the drawing. If you don’t have a facebook account, make your comment right here on the blog. We’ll draw two winners later this afternoon and will announce them on our facebook page. Our only condition is you must be able to pick it up. Good luck!

Fire Roasted Sweet Corn with Sea Salt

Late summer sweet corn is the. best.  And we’re very fortunate to have a plethora of locally grown, non-gmo sweet corn at our fingertips.








Yes we know sweet corn ice cream has become a bit of a fad lately, which is why we chose to take a little different route.  We wanted the ice cream to represent our favorite way to eat sweet corn in the summer – hot off of a grill, a little charred, slathered with butter and salted.




It was hard not to eat this.  Instead we cut it off the cob and pureed it in with some cream.




Organic Cane Sugar



Have we mentioned our favorite organic cane sugar?  This is the Keith Richards of our ice cream ingredients.






Cooking the base rounds out the roasted corn flavor nicely – and is a perfect time to incorporate some hot brown butter and sea salt into the mix.  Both key in getting the true salty roasted corn flavor to smack you around a bit.




As usual, you can win one of two available pints this week — leave a comment on our facebook page at to be entered into the drawing. If you don’t have a facebook account, make your comment right here on the blog. We’ll draw two winners later this afternoon and will announce them on our facebook page. Our only condition is you must be able to pick it up. Good luck!

Brandy Cherry Smoked Almond

We’ve been cooking together for many years – it’s where FrozBroz got its start. We take a little bit of inspiration from one another each time we’re in the kitchen. This flavor was inspired not only by local fruit at summer’s best, but by our love for our Weber grills and the bounty of foods seared, roasted and smoked on them.




Have we ever mentioned how incredible the fruit is at Weavers Country Store in Fall Creek, WI? These are sweet black cherries from Weavers.








Boozy cherries anyone? We pit the cherries and soak them in Brandy. During this process the water content in the cherries displaces with the alcohol from the Brandy. Consequently, the Brandy has a lower percentage of alcohol, but it becomes cherry flavored. OH NO! What do we do now?







We take the Brandy, sugar, and a few more fresh pitted cherries and simmer them down into a jam. The jam creates a nice body for our cream.





up next…





We smoke almonds on the Weber. Using what? Cherry wood. It’s all coming together now.








Here it is, Brandy Cherry Smoked Almond – FrozBroz style.




You can win one of two available pints this week, leave a comment on our facebook page at to be entered into the drawing. If you don’t have a facebook account, make your comment right here on the blog. We’ll draw two winners later this afternoon and will announce them on our facebook page. Our only condition is you must be able to pick it up. Good luck!

Candied Peach Cobbler

There is a small Mennonite bulk foods store in Fall Creek, WI called Weavers Country Store. They sell the best seasonal fruit you can find, but they only offer it seasonally, and it’s never around long. I do not know where they source their fruit from, but I do know that I  will always be there when the peaches arrive.




When you bite into one of these sweet ripe peaches, the juices run down your chin, neck, hands and wrists. This sweetness and ripeness means everything when we are making our Candied Peach Cobbler ice cream.






The only problem is all those delicious juices – they turn icy in the cream. Our solution was to mix them up with butter, bourbon, brown sugar and cinnamon and roast them very slowly until…








…they look like this. Candied!









We mix up a batch of pecan cobbler crust, freeze it, break it up into crusty chunks and crumbles.







It’s all in there! FrozBroz Candied Peach Cobbler!


You can win one of two available pints this week, leave a comment on our facebook page at to be entered into the drawing. If you don’t have a facebook account, make your comment right here on the blog. We’ll draw two winners later this afternoon and will announce them on our facebook page. Our only condition is you must be able to pick it up. Good luck!



Buttermilk Blackberry and Burnt Cashew


Blackberries have not been an easy find this summer.  And when we finally did come across them, it became urgently necessary to make ice cream.  What we ended up with was a new twist on our peanut butter and jelly.









Made a quick jam with the blackberries.  Hopefully with most of the gnarly little seeds strained out for the love of your teeth.  This will go into the ice cream both incorporated into the batter itself, as well as thick ribbons and pockets of it hidden in the finished product.







For the nutty side, we roasted cashews over fire until they were just a bit charred to pair with the blackberries.





Lastly, Buttermilk was added to the batter to give it some extra love and a little sourness.


Want to try?

You can win one of two available pints this week, leave a comment on our facebook page at to be entered into the drawing. If you don’t have a facebook account, make your comment right here on the blog. We’ll draw two winners later this afternoon and will announce them on our facebook page. Our only condition is you must be able to pick it up. Good luck!


